Idea to save water -1
Hi There! Today I want to talk about water. From years till now, the one who was 5 years of age then, is 60 years old now, used to make posters for "saving water and trees" but till now nothing much has been done till yet. We have ideas, creativity, and intelligence but as of people think in that direction. We need to clean the water. It doesn't mean to use RO. The wastewater thrown out of the R.O. system contaminates the Groundwater and even diminishes it and its value. In the near future, we would need foreign countries for water supply and it would become the most expensive thing not that everyone could buy. To save them. We need the side streets to be cementless so that the water from rain seeps into the soil. and apply Ro system only if the TDS of your water is more than 500. We can form a machine that first checks the TDS of water and if it is greater than 499 It must be cleaned with RO.system else RO system should not be applied to th...